Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Ranking of Ikemen Japanese Rock Band

  Recently, I just found a ranking of best visual vocalist of Japanese rock band that debuted after 2000. And guess what? I found Hosomi Takeshi in the ranking! (how happy I am even though he’s in no 11). But I can’t agree on certain point where they in top 5 are not that good looking, man! Yes beauty is subjective but I can say people out there will agree with me. Hosomi Takeshi deserves much better in top 5 at least compared to other vocalist. Maybe because they are younger than Hosomi that can be classified in the top ranks. You have to look Hosomi at his younger age. When I first came to know Hosomi where he was playing live at After Party 2006/2007, I thought that he was in his 20s. My friends even guess 17-18 years old. But damn! I was deceived by his appearance. He was already 34!

So now, I want to make my own rank. This rank only involve certain bands that I know only. I don’t know much about Japanese rock band. Ellegarden, Monoeyes, the Hiatus and ONE OK ROCK are the only bands I know deeper. Thanks to OOR, I got to know Ellegarden when there’s video recommendation in YouTube. I was listening to ‘Answer is near’ acoustic version and suddenly wanted to try listening new song. I clicked on video (I can’t remember, Kaze no Hi or Hana).

First, I give this rank generally according to their visual not including how adorable their characters are and so on. This rank is according to my preference and also I got some points from my sister who know nothing about Japanese. I emphasize once again, beauty is subjective, maybe you prefer this way, maybe other people are on the contrary. I might be a bit biased in this rank because I love Hosomi the way he is, thus he need to be on top and a lot of picture of him. So, let’s check it out

          1Yamashita Toru (ONE OK ROCK)

Can’t agree no more. He’s absolutely handsome man! But I don’t know why I don’t have the feeling to like him. I don’t like ikemen.

      2. Mitsumura Tatsuya (Nico Touches The Wall)

He’s good looking, indeed. If you’re not believe, you can prove it by searching for other pictures in google.

       3. Takahashi Hirotaka (ELLEGARDEN, Scarborough, The Predators)

I know he’s truly handsome. But he love to make the troll face and can’t smile as normal person smile. It’s hard to find his handsome picture.

This is the only scene I got where Hiro looks handsome. He’s playing drums behind Hosomi.

His normal pose

       4. Hosomi Takeshi (ELLEGARDEN, the HIATUS, MONOEYES)

Yeah, here comes our hero. I want to rank him no 1 but need to be neutral and no biased. And here no 4. Hosomi also behaves like his friend, Hiro. It’s pretty hard to find his handsome picture. Most of his pose are like this

Open your mouth and nostrils, clench your teeth and let’s do the hideous face. Credit this collection pic to link above.

I’m sorry for the thread below – picture of Hosomi

 When he's being cute

When he's being serious

When he's being naughty 

When he's being cool on stage

I think this is the only pic he looks very cool and handsome!

      5.  Takuya  (UVERworld)

I’m not knowing him much. And I just know his name and one of his song contributed for Bleach Opening 2. He was also got rank in top 5 for the best vocalist ikemen. Can’t deny for his beauty face.

      6. Yamamuri Daisuke (Rock A Trench)

My sister said he’s indeed handsome. She ranked him higher than Hosomi but I can’t agree with her. Hosomi still the winner. They popular with Mei-chan’s butler drama ending song, My Sunshine.

      7.  Hayashi Keigo (Flow)

Their band is famous because some of their songs are opening song for big anime such as Naruto. Can you remember “We are fighting dreamer…”? But I prefer DAYS and Answer.

      8. Yamanaka Takuya (The Oral Cigarettes)

I know this band from Noragami Aragotto. Kyouran hey Kids! He’s cute and not bad.

      9. Kawasaki Futoshi (Aqua Timez)

I think he has typical Japanese face. When he smiles, yes he is cute.

He’s cute right? Besides him is Takuya (UVERworld).

      10.   Furumura Daisuke (Nico Touches The Wall)

I don’t know him but I know he’s guitarist in this band. I cannot comment too much because I don’t know anything about him.

      11.   TK

If you watch Tokyo Ghoul, of course you will know Unravel song right? It’s nice song. Maybe other think that he should rank higher but he’s not my style.

      12.   Taka (OOR)

Actually, Taka is considered as cute not handsome. So, I can’t rank him higher same as the rank I told before about the best vocalist ikemen. But, when comes to voice power, he's definitely no 1.

I choose this pic cause I think this look the most handsome and cool Taka

Those are the ikemen guys of Japanese rock band. Next time, I will rank them according to their roles in the band.

Friday, 11 August 2017

Perempuan dan Memasak? 1 kewajipan ke

    Berkurun la aku tak update blog ni..hahaha..setahun 2 kali je kot nampak gayanya..alah aku buat blog pon bukan nak bagi orang baca, dan lagi pon tak ada orang baca. (<-such a loser) . Bajet-bajet macam diari la. I'm triggered by Takeshi's blog sebenarnya. Seronok baca blog dia.

    Berkaitan dengan title post kali ni, memasak. Okay, aku terbaca tweet kawan aku when her aunt said "You should know how to cook when you already married because you need to care for your spouse" gittewww. Ni memandai je english version aku. So, dia macam monolog dalam hati dia kata dia tak pandai masak dan mengharapkan dapat suami pandai masak. Dan dia tak suka part masak-masak ni.

    Pendapat aku la kan, bukan la aku nak judge dia ke apa tapi perempuan memang sememang memangnya kena tahu masak. Bukan apa, kita nak jaga suami kita kot. Kang dia cabut lari cari perempuan lain baru tahu merana. Kalau ada orang jawab, "Alah, kalau dah sayang isteri dia takkan dia lari punya". Excuse me girls, hati manusia ni berbolak-balik. Hari ni dia sayang kau belum tentu dia sayang lagi esok-esok tambah-tambah dengan perangai kau yang maybe dia annoying ke cuma dia tak reveal je.

    Aku pun tak ada la suka memasak. Bila rasa ada mood dan tanggungjawab sebagai anak sulung tu, malas-malas pon masak juga. Simple-simple goreng telur, asal perut kenyang kan. Sebenarnya nak masak ni senang je (ceh, cakap senang). Basic masak ni kena ada bawang merah @ putih, cili, garam je. Lain-lain kau pandai la alter.

 Image result for onion   

Nak masam sikit, tambah air asam jawa. Nak manis tambah sos tiram @ gula. Nak cover and selamatkan masakan kau yang terlebih masam, masin, pedas ke letak la perencah perasa tu macam serbuk hilal, maggi cube ayam atau ajinomoto (aku tak guna ajinomoto). Simple kan? Creative tu yang penting. 

   Pasal suami pandai masak, aku pun nak terus terang cakap. Satu kelebihan sebab malas-malas suruh dia masak (suruh?? amboi kau). Tapi tu la orang tua-tua cakap, nak pikat hati suami ni dengan masakan. Entah la betul ke idokk. Sebab aku anak sulung kot, aku rasa terpanggil untuk tau masak. Kalau anak last, confirm tak tau apa.

                                          Related image
Ni cik abang, suami idaman aku yang katanya pandai masak.Tak sedap tak pe janji ada effort tu. So sayang pon makin bertambah