Wednesday, 13 November 2019


Yeorobun~~ aku dah jadi MYDAY selama 2 bulan..lama dah aku nak tulis pasal DAY6. Tapi macam biasa la tak da mood. Busy kerja orang kata. Aku start official jadi MYDAY pada tarikh 19/9/2019. Pergh tarikh tu cantikkan.

Kenapa aku boleh suka sangat DAY6 dalam masa sehari?

Ok kisah dia macam ni. Aku sebenarnya kenal DAY6 ni dah lama. Around before dorang debut lagu Japan (If we meet again). Aku kan jenis tengok benda random kat YouTube tu. So, pernah tertengok video “Underrated Kpop Group” and aku macam terkesan dengan nama DAY6 ni, macam gempak la bunyi dia. So aku pernah cuba dengar lagu dia nak tengok level mana underrated nya. Sedangkan zaman tu aku kan masih setia dengan ELLEGARDEN (konsep dorang fast paced punk rock/alternative rock). So bila aku tengok band DAY6 which is from Korea, their song not made me hook. I was like “Tak rock mana la Korean band” gittewww. Yang aku ingat la music video dia macam biru-biru gitu dan Young K je gaya paling rock main gitar tapi aku tak ingat lagu apa. Maybe Congratulations.

Pastu aku follow MACRYANMAC channel sebab dia selalu buat reaction Japanese rock band. So dia ada react lagu DAY6 If We Meet Again. Aku macam ignore lagi. Tapi aku cuba dengar juga lagu dia. Not bad tapi masih tak kena style ELLEGARDEN aku atau rock band yang aku gilakan. Yang aku ingat aku memang suka suara vocalist dia yang nyanyi first chorus, suara dari tekak aku panggil dia tapi aku kata dia tak hensem (LOL).

Tak lama lepas tu, in 2018 ada news yang DAY6 comeback dengan lagu Jepun and produced by UBUKATA SHINICHI. Aku terus excited tunggu lagu STOP THE RAIN tu release. Of course la guitarist ELLEGARDEN kot buat lagu dorang, band feveret aku. So, masa first time dengar lagu dorang macam biasa not bad tapi berulang kali juga aku dengar. Dalam tempoh ni aku try la juga dengar lagu Korea dorang, Congratulations dan Shoot Me tapi aku dah kata tadi lagu tu tak rock sangat. Conclusion kat sini aku suka lagu jepun dorang, siap download video color_coded_lyric lagi.

Pastu aku jumpa lagu I Wait dari video random kat YouTube, “Kpop song that should be an anime opening”. Dengar starting lagu tu, aku terus cari dan aku jatuh cinta tapi still not stan them. Lagu dorang Breaking Down, Days Gone By tu aku try dengar tapi sampai la kepada tarikh 19/9/2019, aku buat kerja kat computer bilik surgery (time tengah kerja) sambil dengar lagu Jepun dia, dan autoplay lagu main title track dia yang lain. Baru aku tersedar lagu DAY6 semua sedap-sedap belaka. Dan aku pon cari apa nama fandom DAY6.

Oh lupa nak bagitau yang aku stan SUNGJIN, which was I called him “suara dari tekak” tu. Memang setiap kali aku dengar lagu Jepun dia aku suka sangat suara dia. Tapi aku rasa dia tak hensem. Ada video The Making of Stop The Rain, aku kata “dia kalau mekap tak hensem, kalau tak mekap hensem plak” sampai aku tengok video-video lain baru aku tau dia sebenarnya HENSEM GILA!!!! Aku memang suka orang start dari suara dulu baru tengok rupa ahakksss

Ni rupa dia before make up, nampak hensem

Bila dah make up, aku nampak dia tak hensem ^^

Ni rupa sebenar dia, that smile melting betul tengok
Hello ni baru dia wink mata and senyum

So keesokkan harinya aku terus download semua lagu dorang. Begitu lah kisah aku macam mana aku jadi MYDAY.

Sunday, 3 November 2019

Hosomi's marriage

Hosomi really did surprised to his fan, especially ME!!! You know what? He is already married! The wedding was 6 days ago if I’m not mistaken at Ishigaki Island. I was like “Why the fan talked about Hosomi? Marriage? It is impossible Hosomi will be married after all this years he remained single”.  I don’t believed it at first. But then, fan showed screenshot Hosomi’s blog that has been updated. I feel like I need to look for this
“Now it’s time to read Hosomi’s blog” in happy cheerful mood.

From Hosomi's blog

Hontou ka???? Hosomi kekkon-tsuru?

I was really surprised. I cannot believe it. I search about this news in Japanese. I typed Hosomi Takeshi Kekkon-tsuru and

Here we are….. There are a lot about Hosomi and being no 1 trend Twitter in Japan. Hosomi really did it. He said his wife is just from ordinary person and he will not reveal who she is.
How lucky she is. Please take care Hosomi really well and have a cute baby. I wanna see Hosomi’s child. He/she must be good-looking following his father’s gene.

From Takahashi_ELLEGARDEN's blog

I have mix feeling between happy, surprised and sad. I’m happy at last, at age 46 years, Hosomi get married but also sad got to know the person you admired so much since 2014 already married. He’s not the same person as he was in Ellegarden, the past Hosomi that I really like so much. He already matured and responsible to have his own family. To be a proud dad.

And I just know that he was the youngest from 4 siblings and other 3 are brothers. No wonder why Hosomi has a baby face LOL. I mean at age 30+ something, people still think he was in his mid 20s. Plus, the way he behaved was not suit to his age. He was naughty, crazy and hyper but when on stage, he was really cool.

Do you think he's normal? LOL

These pictures are his fellow friends attending his wedding in Ishigaki Islands.

I hope Hosomi can be happy with his new family. Please let support him, he need his own happiness. I read somewhere that Hosomi almost depressed during his childhood and he said the wound still cannot be forgotten. He said why he can take over his depression when other might think of suicide, he want to see scenery that he has not seen and he want to meet people that he has not met. That was the strength on how he can overcome depression. Plus, he also had difficult time during Ellegarden suspension and beginning of the Hiatus era.

I dont want to see him in grief and sadness. I want to see his smile. The real reason why I started to like him 5 years ago because he convey his song to us by smiling and I can feel how he enjoy during live concert. I hope he can continue his music just like how he enjoy Ellegarden is comeback and can continue making good music just like in the past.  #truefan

Hosomi Takeshi