Saturday, 26 May 2018

Hosomi Takeshi's Youth

A week ago, I found an interesting story about Hosomi Takeshi. When I read it, I feel excited to share this post I found in FB. The story about Hosomi that we will never know from media. Thank God there was a person who want to share his experience of meeting Hosomi at his young age.

So this post is from Michihiro Sato where he worked as a teacher in Hosomi's junior high school. I'm really glad he brought this story to ELLEGARDEN's fan especially me, who really wanna know deeper about Hosomi.

Imagine young Hosomi at age of 13, 14 years old (even the picture showing Hosomi at 30s)

【Tasogare Michy's Monologue】
《About the period of Hosomi Takeshi in youth》
☆1986[Showa 61]
I began to work at the school Hosomi commuted to. He was in the second grade at junior high. He was a good-looking boy with beautiful figures (yeah Hosomi indeed really handsome 😍). The school adopted a graded-class system in
English and Math classes, though it still does the same system. Hosomi belonged to the upper class in my English class (wow Hosomi! you're brilliant. No wonder you have perfect pronunciation),
That year, Japanese economy was about to enjoy "bubble boom." But in April, nuclear meltdown occurred at Chernobyl in former Soviet Union (Russia). The whole world was shocked at the incident.
☆ 1987(Showa 62)
Hosomi became a third-grade student. He took part in a school trip to Kyoto and Nara. He says he disliked the way the students decided the seats in a bus during the trip.
Looking back to the world affairs of that year, the Chinese authorities cracked down on pro-democracy demonstrators
at Tiananmen Square. They suppressed the movement for democratization mainly by students. They haven't published the exact number of its casualities. l felt anxious about the incident that put a clock back.
☆1988(Showa 63)
This is the last year of Showa Era. Hosomi went on to the first grade of high school. The third principal, whom I respected
so much, came to a position.
The principal was strict about students coming to school late. He watched them come to school near the doors for students every day. Hosomi may have thought of the principal as a difficult person because he had an uncomfortable feeling about the school rules.
He says he performed some songs well as a band-unit with his friends at "School Festival" in September. I hear he was pretty good at playing the guitar.
That year saw a big sale of "Dragon Quest I I I..And towards a legend." He also may have enjoyed the game.
Also, the Showa Emperor came to be seriously sick, so the mood of self-control came about all over Japan. I wonder how  Hosomi was feeling about that mood at that time. 
☆1989(Showa 64 or Heisei 1 )
Hosomi dropped out of school because he had a hard time adjusting himself to school life. Ashamedly enough, I should say it was not until last year that I knew he had dropped out. When I read his interviewing articles on music magazines. I found his comments saying that he felt kind of a sense of discomfort in school life.
I retired in March last year. If I had not chosen to be a part-time teacher, I would have forgotten Hosomi Takeshi for ever.
But fortunately, I happened to hear a name, Hosomi Takeshi from a girl student for the first time in 30 years.
Now I am so proud of his being a great rock singer. I know he works out at gymn often. I hope he will continue to be successful as a forever young rock singer.

It's amazing how the teacher can remember Hosomi, and some specific incident where he said about school trip to Kyoto and Nara. Hosomi dropped school not because of his IQ or he cannot cope with the study, but he just discomfort to the school's rule. Yeah I wonder how young Hosomi's thought about. And also I wanna see his picture when he wearing his junior high school. He must be really cute! 

Just imagine Hosomi in this uniform 😍

This naughty boy, Hosomi. This collection pictures doesn't resemble your actual age. At this time, Hosomi might be at his 30s. He's so cute but you need to realize, he's now 45.

Thursday, 10 May 2018

ELLEGARDEN復活 (Real resurrection)

It's 2018!! Yeah finally our hero has make their move. Welcome back ELLEGARDEN. I've been waiting for you since 2014, the year when first I came to know you. You guys choose 10th May after 10 years of suspension, and after 10 years of your successful era (1998 - 2008). Number 10,  a legend number for a legend band. Well done guys!!!

Ok for those who do not know ELLEGARDEN, please check this out

So, that's mean my theories in 9th September ago has become true!

Ok, let me start telling you guys when the exact time I realize this news.

Yesterday was history to my life and my country, MALAYSIA. 9th May is a biggest day to the new government after Barisan Nasional has been defeated after 60 years of their reign. And it's my first time become a voter, and I'm proud of it (first voter and has change the government). So, today it's really important to Malaysian to choose for new prime minister which is Tun Dr. Mahathir. My twitter timeline of course full of this important matter and I'm one of them who focus for my country's future. After too tired for waiting for the sworn of Tun M as new PM, I fell asleep.

(wait the minute, why I'm talking about the politics in Ellegarden's entry??!)

When I woke up, I took my phone and open up my twitter, scrolling for the sworn part, but then I found Scott Murphy tweet (Scott - Bassist of Monoeyes and Allister), with picture of ELLEGARDEN I've never seen before and the members look old (I mean, not the old common ELLEGARDEN photoshoot picture).

Then, I realize when I read the tweet. My phone fall down (so dramatic), I want to scream, I cannot believe this, it's impossible Ellegarden to come back. It's so sudden. But then, I opened up the ellegarden official website , it's REAL!!! Yeah ELLEGARDEN IS COMEBACK! Then, my twitter trend is  (ELLE resurrection)

And you know, Jean-ken Johnny from MAN WITH A MISSION tweet the same thing.

That's my reply. So excited when Jean-ken:

 "Voices of delight and excitement come from various places (^^)"

From Hosomi's blog, 

He said: Tadaima (I'm home) Everyone is smiling :-)

Hosomi implies Ellegarden as his home because Ellegarden was the world for him. He debut as J-rock artist from this band, the band was successful in Japan and also had debut in America in 2006 if I'm not mistaken. Oh, if I have time, I will translate Takahashi blog for his post regarding ELLEGARDEN [It's all up to me].

I don't know how I want to express this excited feeling. You know when your hope for your favorite band is too high but the reality of their comeback is too impossible. I thought, the fans expectation and theories are just theories but then, it's really happened. I feel like I don't wanna sleep tonight, want to surf more in internet to get all information regarding ELLEGARDEN. I found that Hosomi said, he won't make any song in 2018, so this resurrection is just for reunion tour. I don't know the truth but when I found in some website saying that, they will continue to revive after this tour in this upcoming August. So let's support ELLEGARDEN to continue their glory time for more than 10 years ahead.

This picture ...

and this picture. See the difference??

Old Takahashi with his blonde hair looks so childish with that weird smile 😁
New Takahashi with black colour hair looks more mature and serious 😁

Hosomi (my ultimate hero all the time) still has the same pose (clench teeth=Ellegarden's special pose), wore necklace, black T-shirt, look like he at his 20s 
Hosomi now just add his tattoo on both of his arm after Ellegarden suspension, wore bracelet and his hair grow long a bit and dye at the end of it.

Old Ubu also look childish
New Ubu has tattoo same with Hosomi, look mature

Last but not least, our maknae (the term not used in J-rock okay) Yuichi, hmmm I don't know how to describe but the current one also same like other member, mature look 

Sunday, 6 May 2018

ELLEGARDEN: Most favourite part

Ahaaaaa dah lama nak berkongsi pasal benda ni..ohh before that, nak cakapnya entry aku ni kejap in English, kejap in Malay (tengok type yang ni pon berterabur).. aku bukan apa, aku nak je tulis in English, nak practice selalu supaya English aku bagus kan tapiiii bila type in English ni, English aku tak berapa bagus..grammar tau apa-apa.. ayat pon macam darjah 1..huaaa aku rasa loser sangat

Aku lagi selasa bercerita dalam bahasa melayu, sebab rasa tak ada la kekok sangat..rasa nak bercerita banyak lagi

Ok jap kenapa lari jauh sangat dari tajuk kita

Ok back to the main topic: ELLEGARDEN!!

Bila dah minat ni, semua benda kau akan try layan..lagu-lagu band favourite kau, kau akan dengar semua..sooo aku pon download semua lagu ELLEGARDEN, yang ori kot..semua lagu dia kau boleh layan tapi tak semua kau akan minat..kadang tu ada certain part je yang kau ni la yang aku cuba kongsi kan.. kadang aku suka verse dia tapi kadang aku tak suka chorus dia..haa gitu..
Ok malas nak tulis panjang-panjang lagi, ini dia, mempersembahksn ELLEGARDEN, my most favourite part in their songs:

Ini just ikut preference aku, taste aku macam mana ☺️ Lain orang lain minatnya sebab benda ni subjective..certain orang suka macam ni macam ni...Lagu ni pon dah masuk 4 tahun aku asyik repeat dalam playlist..kau rasa? Betapa powernya vibe yang diorang bawa..kalau tengok dekat Jepun, ELLE memang band yang sangat successful pada era dorang (2000 - 2008) , fan dorang pon ada dari Indonesia dan ramai pula tu (kecuali Malaysia, tak ramai orang tau..kalau tau pon lambat macam aku) dan sampai sekarang ada lagi fan yang masih menunggu kemunculan Elle.

Ok aku nak fokus kawan aku present ni 😅

Travelog to Korea: Day 4

previous post: Travelog to Korea: Day 3

Day 4

Ok. Ayuh kita sambung travelog aku yang entah bila boleh siap. Aduhh malas gila. Tapi aku tak nak jadi hangat-hangat tahi ayam, biar alang-alang menyeluk pekasam biar sampai ke pangkal lengan. Haaa ni peribahasa yang aku sentiasa pegang dalam hidup aku. Bila dah start tu, sila siapkan sampai habis walaupun kau dah penat, letih, tak berminat. Never give up!!

Ok (dari tadi asyik ok), Day 4 ni aku menjelajah Everland. Dia taman tema outdoor dan sangat luas. Tapi aku dengar dari review kawan-kawan aku pergi Sunway Lagoon, dorang cakap Sunway Lagoon jauh lagi best sebab dia ada waterpark, berbanding Everland just permainan je. Ada je waterpark tu tapi tak banyak la. Gila kau nak mandi, main-main air waktu autumn macam ni, suhu dah bawah 0 degree celcius kot.

Aiseymen, kali ni aku tak bawa kamera, dan tak banyak ambil gambar. Gambar entrance je before masuk

First game aku main dah agak extreme, aku tak ingat nama game apa (ni dasar penyakit lupa nama aku) tapi seingat aku game tu duduk dalam cawan and then pusing-pusing. Kat sini aku dah overreaction, menjerit macam apa lagi. Lepas game tu, aku naik Viking pula!!! Kau bayangkan la, dah baru lepas otak aku pusing-pusing tadi, ni naik Viking yang turun 90 degree tu! Emmm maybe less than that.

Of course la lepas tu aku rasa nak muntah loya semua. Mujur Yaya bawa supply. Asam! Asam ni diperlukan untuk setiap kali korang masuk theme park. Dan aku la tukang habiskan asam tu sampai dah naik putih, nampak pucat bibir aku. Then, mula la tak dak mood nak main benda lain.

Ok dipendekkan cerita aku naik T-express..wey train tu roller coaster laju gila and ada satu part yang buat semua orang kecut perut gila, part turun 90 degree tu. Jap aku ada gambar.

Hmm tapi tak nampak la. ala-ala korang agak-agak la bila aku cakap 90 degree tu.

Masa nak naik tu kena beratur panjang. Sejam juga la beratur pon. Masa tu la semua pakat nak gabra nervous semacam. Nak record masa naik tu masing-masing sayang handphone kot. 

Yang semua takut tu sebab roller coaster ni diperbuat dari kayu-kayan je mak kau! Aku pernah tengok running man, jae suk and gwang soo buat mission kat sini. Hahahaha seram wey..Mula-mula naik tu dia gerak slow dulu..alah biasa la dia nak create rasa thriller gitu, tiba-tiba bila dah sampai puncak aku dah nampak dari jauh yang KAMI AKAN TERJUN GAUNG DENGAN ANGLE 90 degree! Part terjun tu first time aku tutup mata dan rasa aku nak terkeluar dari seat tu sebab fenomena inertia. Perut aku pon rasa nak tercabut dari badan. Huuuu lepas terjun gaung tu bapak laju giler roller coaster ni bawa kitorang. Aku duduk sebelah Aten. Memang aku suruh dia buka mata sepanjang part laju tu, mampus memang dia tak nak la. Aku tutup part terjun gaung tu je, then buka mata nak tengok macam mana aku naik roller coaster selaju tu. Best we last kali. 2 minit pon aku rasa tak sampai. Rasa macam nak naik lagi.

Then kitorang merawang-rawang dalam ni sampai dah berpisah dengan geng. Tinggal aku, Iman dan Fizah nak masuk rumah hantu. Tapi lama sangat orang beratur. Dah dekat malam pon. Orang lain semua ajak balik. Malam tu pon sejuk dia bukan main. 

Saturday, 5 May 2018

ELLEGARDEN: Favorite Songs

Today I wanna talk about my favorite band ELLEGARDEN. This is the longest band/boy group I become fan of them and still follow them or any news even though it's already 10 years they have been on indefinite hiatus.

This entry is not totally about ELLEGARDEN details but rather wanna share about my favorite ELLE songs and recommend which one new fans should listen to their songs so that they won't regret knowing this band.


Those who listened to it for the first time will become ELLE's fan. Are you sure?? Not. This statement is just for those who have interests of the same genre with me, the one who love punk, rock, alternative and et cetera.  They will say
"Yabai!!" "Cool" "Best Japanese Band" "Genius" "Perfect English pronunciation" "Are they American?".

Because I was the same kind of that group. Can fall for the unique melody, Hosomi's english that sounds like Western people even though he is native japanese and the main point is Hosomi is handsome! 😍


This is my second most favorite song after Salamander. I love all the parts, its verse, chorus, bridge, or easily said I love all about Ellegarden. He looked really handsome with that haircuts and looked very young for a 30's guy. Seriously, you should listen to this song.


Next we go to Kaze no Hi or its English title is Windy Day. This song is full of Japanese lyrics, eh no, only at the bridge part Hosomi changed it to English. He cannot escape making lyrics in English 😆  Not all of his songs are in English, there's several  but the most noticeable are his English songs because his song can convey to international fan and easy to sing in this form. These 3 songs are the most played when I first knew ELLEGARDEN.


Credit to: duck19841012 (from YouTube)

First time listened to this song, I wasn't hook but when you severally listen to it, then you become addicted and become your most favorite. I only found Hosomi played this song in this concert.  I like at the part "You're innocent, you're stainless, you're my bestfriend so I tell you this" and at the guitar part when he smiled looking at Takahashi playing drum. He's so handsome!

5. Middle of Nowhere

This is my alarm tune. Hahaha every morning I will wake up by Middle of Nowhere played through my phone. And my friend also give nicely comment about this song. They said it's good. Yeah the melody will lead you into sentimental mood and maybe start to imagine about your unreachable love story but the lyric doesn't go that way. In this video, they suddenly stop playing in the middle of the song but I don't know the reason why..

what else? There's too many I want to share my favorite ELLEGARDEN song because I love them all.

6. I Hate It

Skip to 3.56 min

7. Snake Fighting
8. Insane
10. Ash
11. Lost World


Baru2 ni aku tak tau la tajuk kahwin ni boleh keluar antara geng2 aku. Cakap pasal hantaran la, umur berapa nak kahwin semua bagai. Aku serius tak pernah fikir pasal tu. Nak kahwin tu ada tapi lambat lagi kot. Aku baru berhasrat nak cari waktu zaman aku bekerja nanti sebab aku tak nak budak Usim gak..cehhh budak Usim pon tak nak aku.

Pastu kawan-kawan aku ni semua tak sabar nak tengok aku kahwin. Dorang tak boleh bayang macam mana aku kahwin, siapa bakal suami aku. Ye la maybe gaya aku yg bodoh-bodoh ni, tak heboh kat orang aku suka siapa, lelaki yang macam mana. Sebab tu dorang macam curious sangat. Ye la sebab aku sendiri pon tak pernah pikir nak kahhwin umur berapa. Ok mari kita berhenti seketika untuk fikir pasal tu.....Ntohh lerr tak boleh agak, sebab aku grad maybe 24/25..kerja start 26 kot..tu pon belum tentu permanent job or part time lagi..

Serius tak boleh bayang lagi pasal kahwin. Macam benda mustahil pula aku kahwin. Eyyy jangan gitu, aku nak kahwin, nak senang dapat pahala. Nak kumpul pahala jadi isteri yang baik. Tau tak adik aku yang baru lepas SPM tu ada ura-ura nak kahwin dengan mamat tua mana la. Tua dari aku kot, 28 tahun. Adik aku baru nak masuk 18. Kau rasa?? Kau rasa aku tercabar ke? Nae hiii.. Sikit tak terasa tercabar walaupun aku tak ada calon, tak ada ura-ura mana-mana lelaki suka kat aku.  Walaupun mak aku kata nak bagi adik aku tunggu 3 tahun tapi dalam masa yang sama mak aku nak juga bagi aku kahwin dulu, tak akan bagi adik aku langkah bendul. Bunyi macam sedih kan. Macam langsung tak ada lelaki dalam dunia ni nak dekat aku. Ye la aku kan tak cantik, garang, suka marah, tak keperempuanan pula, minat lagu rock. Sabar la Anis oii, Allah nak simpan jodoh kau yang terbaik. Kalau yang sekarang, kau pun tak berminat. Aku yakin jodoh aku akan aku jumpa dekat tempat kerja nanti. In Sha Allah.